Motion Capture World Records
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Farthest North

EA Canada - Burnaby, BC Rainmaker - Vancouver, B.C
Farthest West
ILM - San Fransisco C.A Mova - San Francisco CA
Farthest South

Weta - Wellington, New Zealand
Farthest East
Imagica, Japan
First simultaneous face, body and hand capture of multiple talent - Optical
Polar Express - 2002 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most talent in a single take
21 talent - Beowulf - 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most talented talent in a motion capture volume
Two time oscar winner Tom Hanks - 2002
Most Simultaneous Face, Body & Hand Capture in a single take
21 talent - Beowulf - 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most animal and human capture in a single take
4 Horses, 12 talent - Beowulf - 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Largest Motion capture volume (Body, Hand, Face)
Caesar: Rise of the Apes -210' x 120' x 16' tall - w/ 4 people at once
Avatar - 60' x 30' - w/ 10 people at once
Beowulf - 25W x 25L x 16H - w/ 18 people at once
Most face, body and hand data captured per day
1.5 Terabytes - Beowulf - 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most facial markers used to capture facial motion in a feature film

165 - used on Billy Crudup as he played Dr. Manhattan in 'The Watchmen'
Highest resolution facial capture

ICT Lightstage
Mova Contour shape capture
Tallest person ever captured
7'1" (2.16M) - Shaquille O'Neal - for NBA 2K6, Visual Concepts - 2005 - House of moves
Shortest person ever captured

3'6" - Arturo Gill Actor - House of Moves
Real Time
First face, body and hand capture in a volume

Lamb and Company -1997
First simultaneous face, body and hand capture of multiple talent - Magnetic
Modern Cartoons -1999
Most realtime talent - Optical
15 people - weta - avatar
13 people -Giant - Animal Logic - Happy Feet - 2007
Most lucrative movie ever made using motion capture technology - Avatar - 2.45 Billion
Most realtime talent - Magnetic
5 people - The Getaway - Sony Online Europe - Ascension
Largest realtime volume
SquidBall - 240' x 40' x 40' - 2004
House Of Moves - 110’ x 50’ x 20’ high - 2007
Giant - 72'L x 36'W x 15.5'H - Avatar - 2007
Most people motion captured over a 3 day period
Phase Space system at SIGGRAPH every year ~150 different people with about 15 minutes of motion capture per person.
Most painful motion ever captured
Jon Heder breaking his foot, mid-way through a take on monster house - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most interactive capture
Squidball - The entire Siggraph audience took place in an interactive capture where a beach-ball was used as a game piece in a 'breakout' style game - as the audience hit the ball the game ball would update accordingly

Largest markers
The markers used in Squidball at Siggraph 2004

WEIRDEST Weirdest capture - Misc
Sperm tracking - Motion Analysis - 1982
Weirdest capture - Animal

Spider and Ant capture
Cat (large and small)
Reesus Monkey
Wild Deer
Coldest Capture

-10 degrees Fahrenheit.- XSENS captured a skier and snowboarder at Vail Resorts
watch the video -
Strangest capture volume - large
Broadway Street, in New York city was calibrated by people driving up and down the street in cars with markers the size of beach balls.
Cameras were mounted on nearby buildings
Strangest capture volume - small
Inside the 'Vomit Comet' - the plane NASA uses to simulate weightlessness
First person 'brought back from the dead' using mocap

Marlena Diedrich - Virtual Celebrity
Orville Redenbacher - Digital Domain
First person aged artificially in a feature film, using motion capture

Brad Pitt - Benjamin Buttons - 2008
Most unusual place to capture
On a Caribbean beach - Pirates II - ILM - 2005
In space - spinal capture was done on astronauts to observe the effects of zero g on spines
Strangest thing captured

Sex - actual sex was captured for an interactive porn DVD - a complete move tree was shot of all positions and transitions - shot naked
Earthquakes - an earthquake simulator in japan
Most Cameras Ever used in one volume
234 - Beowulf - 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most Cameras used over entire production
Polar Express - 254 - 86 on stage 2 - 120 on stage 3 - 48 on stage 4
Most markers used on a movie
120,000 2.7mm's - Polar Express - 2002 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most actors captured over the course of a movie
80 - Avatar 2010 - Giant
65 - Beowulf 2007 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Most original mocap suit
Dr Manhattan tracking suit - 2009 - Watchmen - Sony Pictures
Pirates pattern tracking suit - 2006 - ILM
Most unusual mocap suit
None - a dance troupe captured dancers totally nude - including know where...
See also 'strangest thing ever captured'
Most dangerous capture
Matrix II PMS flying Rig (the Please Make it stop rig) = sentinal attack simulator - Spectrum Studios

Most famous actor(s) captured
Angelina Jolie
Jim Carrey

Tom Hanks
Johnny Depp
Keanu Reeves
Anthony Hopkins
Bruce Willis
Steve Buscemi
Kathleen Turner
Robin Wright-Penn
John Malcovitch
Ray Winstone
Brendon Gleeson
Alison Lohman
Kevin James
Hugo Weaving
Bill Nighy
Crispin Glover
Carrie-Anne Moss
Fred Willard
Maggie Gyllenhall
Jason Lee
Nick Cannon
Jon Heder
Arnold Vosleau
Eric Bana
Kristanna Loken
Conan O'Brien
Ang Lee
Andy Sirkis
Most famous Mime captured

Marcel Marceau
Most famous dancer captured

Merce Cunningham
Savion Glover
Most famous musician captured

Michael Jackson - Digital Domain - House of Moves U2
Radio Head
Busta Rhymes
Jay K - Jamiroquai
Most famous athlete captured

Tiger Woods - EA Canada
Shaquille O'neil
David Genola
Tim Duncan
Michael Vic -nike gamebreakers
Terrell Owens -nike gamebreakers
Most famous Martial Artist captured

Jacky Chan - Future Light Studios
Jet Li - SCEA
Largest capture studio (permanent)

Electronic Arts Canada - 155,000sq ft custom built for mocap
SCEA 144,000 sq ft
Longest continous time spent capturing for a single video game

140 days (included both body and facial) Quantic Dream : Heavy Rain (PS 3 exclusive title)
Six Months - Enter The Matrix - 2000 - Spectrum Studios
Longest continuous time time spent capturing for a single movie - Live Action

3 years - AVATAR - Giant
1 Month - Matrix III - 2000 - Spectrum Studios
Longest continous time spent capturing for a single movie - CG

3 months - Polar Express - 2002 - Sony Pictures, Imageworks
Longest continuous time spent motion capturing for a tv show
1998 - 2002 - Cita's World BET - Motion Analysis
10 - 45 minute episodes captured per week
Highest capture area (face and body)
- Avatar Stunt fall volume - 40ft
Highest capture studio (on earth)

Konami - 47th floor
Highest capture volume (in space)

Aboard the space station
Highest Resolution Camera
Vicon T160 16 megapixel camera
Lowest capture

Underwater capture - Peak Performance - in an olympic swimming pool
Most violent use of motion capture

U.S. Military is using motion capture on the battlefield to track troop and enemy movements in realtime
Oldest man ever captured

74 - Martin Daniels - 'Stina and the Wolf' - Pipe Catcher character -
FOAM Digital, University of Portsmouth, UK
Oldest woman ever captured

74 - Matrix III - zion 'old woman' background capture - Spectrum Studios
Youngest boy every captured

fred goodchild - 9 months old - Nuffield Orthopaedic center, Oxford. Vicon System
Youngest girl ever captured

Lucy Ray - 10 months old - Nuffield Orthopaedic center, Oxford. Vicon System
Heaviest person ever captured

380 pounds - 6' 1" steven debonepres - Spectrum Studios
Earliest use of Human Motion to drive the animation of a digital character
1962 - Animac - Lee Harrison III
First Motion Captured awards show host
2000 - Ms. AIAS - Awards Show, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Virtual Ventures / Spectrum Studios - Ascension
First Motion Captured Talk show host - TV

David Tench - David Tench Tonight - Animal Logic - Vicon
First Commercial made using Motion Capture - optical
1990 - FIFA World Cup - Superfluo - BTS ELITE
First Commercial with face and body Motion Capture - optical
1992 - Pensylvania Lottery - Superfluo - BTS ELITE
First use of mocap to drive animatronics and cg simultaneously
1995 - Henson Studios U.K. - vicon - mary reilly
First video game made using Motion Capture - Arcade
1995 -Soul Edge - Namco - TSI
First video game made using Motion Capture - Console / PC
1995 - Actua Soccer 1996 - Viva football 1996 - Fifa 96
First animal Motion Captured - TV
1992 - Deer - CBS Winter Olympics promo - Superfluo
First animal Motion Captured - Film
1997 - Rhesus Monkey - Lost in Space - Henson U.K. 1998 - TSI - Monkey - Mighty Joe Young
First Motion Capture and live action - TV

1994 -Bert the Fish -MediaLab
1997 - Merlin - Jim Henson's Creature Shop - UK
First all CG TV show made using Motion Capture - magnetic

1997 - Donkey Kong Country - Medialab
First all CG TV show made using Motion Capture - optical

1998 - Voltron - Motion Analysis
First Music video made using Motion Capture - CG & live action

1992 - 'Steam' - Peter Gabriel - Super Fluo 1995 - 'Dont go chasin waterfalls' - TLC
First Music video using body Motion Capture - all CG

1994 - 'Dis is da drum' - Herbie Hancock
First Music video using face and body Motion Capture - all CG
2000 - 'Soljas' - Master P - CAT studios
First animated movie made using Motion Capture - full length
Sinbad, Beyond the Veil of Mists - 1998 - House of moves
First animated movie made using Motion Capture - short film
1989 - 'Don't Touch Me' - Kleizer Walzac - Motion Analysis
First Oscar CG

Happy Feet - Dancing Penguins - Animal Logic / Miller Productions - 2007
Most Successful Motion Capture related film at the box office

First Oscar VFX

Titanic - Digital Domain - House of Moves
Benjamin Buttons - Digital Domain
First live-action movie to feature body motion capture

Lawnmower Man -1991
First live-action movie to feature facial motion capture

Lost in Space - Gary Oldman - 1997
First outdoor capture - feature film
MOTEK - 1997 - Motaro & Kintaro - Mortal Combat Annihilation
Worst Animated movie made using Motion Capture - full length
Sinbad, Beyond the Veil of Mists - Pentamedia - 1998 - House of moves
Worst use of motion capture
To give people speeding tickets
Fastest motion capture
Body capture, inside the Japanese 'bullet' train Shinsenkan running between Osaka and Tokyo at 270 KM/hour - Xsens
Fastest object captured
crash testing cars